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作者:陈琮渊 王超群 出版日期:2017年01月 报告页数:30 页 报告大小: 报告字数:26893 字 所属丛书:华侨华人蓝皮书 所属图书:华侨华人研究报告(2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:作为美国电视史上第一部以华裔新移民家庭生活为主题的情景喜剧,《初来乍到》(Fresh off the Boat)开播以来收视率屡创新高,也引发各界对美国华人文化认同现况的关注。事实上,华裔表达融入美国社会的心路历程的文艺及影视创作,早已是学术研究的素材。该剧根据黄颐铭的自传体同名小说改编,以一个成长于20世纪90年代中期的美国华人新生代观点,既刻画其亲身经历的种族歧视及认同迷惘,也折射出在美华裔新移民文化认同的多样性。本文从社会学角度出发,就《初来乍到》中... 展开

文章摘要:作为美国电视史上第一部以华裔新移民家庭生活为主题的情景喜剧,《初来乍到》(Fresh off the Boat)开播以来收视率屡创新高,也引发各界对美国华人文化认同现况的关注。事实上,华裔表达融入美国社会的心路历程的文艺及影视创作,早已是学术研究的素材。该剧根据黄颐铭的自传体同名小说改编,以一个成长于20世纪90年代中期的美国华人新生代观点,既刻画其亲身经历的种族歧视及认同迷惘,也折射出在美华裔新移民文化认同的多样性。本文从社会学角度出发,就《初来乍到》中再现的华人形象和社会生活进行分析,探讨美国华裔新移民文化认同的样貌与世代差异。


Abstract:Fresh off the Boat as the first situation comedy on the theme of a Chinese American family in American television history has got high ratings since it signed on,and gave attention from all walks of life to Chinese Americans’ cultural identity. In fact,the biographies,novels and other artistic creations for expressing their observation and journey of heart have also become the important material for the research of Chinese America... 展开

Abstract:Fresh off the Boat as the first situation comedy on the theme of a Chinese American family in American television history has got high ratings since it signed on,and gave attention from all walks of life to Chinese Americans’ cultural identity. In fact,the biographies,novels and other artistic creations for expressing their observation and journey of heart have also become the important material for the research of Chinese Americans. The show was adapted from author Eddie Huang’s autobiographical novel with the same name. It features as a central character a Chinese American who came from Taiwan and grew up in 1990’s America and his efforts to depict his discrimination and identity confusion during growth process. More than this,the show also serves to reflect the diversity of Chinese Americans’ cultural identity. This paper explores the Chinese images and social life represented by Fresh off the Boat,so as to discuss the generational differences of Chinese Americans’ cultural identity.



