文章摘要:“延安精神”在中国革命和建设中发挥了巨大的精神动力作用。本报告分析了陕西公众关于“延安精神”概念、核心内涵及其时代价值的理解、认知状况。公众主要从“延安精神”的代表性人物/群体、标志性地域及精神内涵等方面表达了他们心目中的“延安精神”。调查结果显示,公众对“延安精神”持有较高的知晓度,其中“白求恩精神”“整风精神”“南泥湾精神”更为人们所熟悉,“自力更生、艰苦奋斗”是最受公众认同的核心内涵。关于当前宣传“延安精神”的意义,提及率最高的... 展开
Abstract:Yan’an spirit has played a great spiritual power in the past process of Chinese revolution and construction. This report analyzes the understanding and cognition of Shaanxi public about the concept,core connotation and time value of Yan’an Spirit. The public mainly express their understanding and cognition situation of Yan’an spirit from the representative characters/groups of Yan’an Spirit,the symbolic regional and spiritual co... 展开