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作者:曾向红 梁晨 出版日期:2016年06月 报告页数:33 页 报告大小: 报告字数:34847 字 所属图书:中东问题研究 2016年第1期(总第3期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:“基地”组织与“伊斯兰国”是当前国际恐怖主义势力中最具影响的两个恐怖组织。相对于“基地”松散的层级状结构,“伊斯兰国”发展出以等级制和集中为特征的组织结构。在某种意义上,从“基地”到“伊斯兰国”,恐怖主义的组织结构发生了演化。本文通过借鉴社会演化理论的相关研究成果,尝试为这种演化提供解释。通过考察后可以发现,中东地区“碎片化”的政治版图特别是伊拉克和叙利亚动荡的政局,为“伊斯兰国”的崛起提供了可资利用的外部条件,“伊斯兰国”的领导人在... 展开



Abstract:Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State are the most influential terrorist groups in the current international society. Compared to Al Qaeda’s loose hierarchy organizational structure,Islamic state has an organizational structure that bears the characteristics of strict hierarchy and centralism. In a sense,from al-Qaeda to Islamic State,the organizational structure of international terrorism has evolved. This article uses the theory of soc... 展开

Abstract:Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State are the most influential terrorist groups in the current international society. Compared to Al Qaeda’s loose hierarchy organizational structure,Islamic state has an organizational structure that bears the characteristics of strict hierarchy and centralism. In a sense,from al-Qaeda to Islamic State,the organizational structure of international terrorism has evolved. This article uses the theory of social evolution to provide an explanation for this evolution. This article argues that the fragmented situation of the Middle East,especially the turbulent political upheavals in Iraq and Syria,provide a very favorable basis for the development of Islamic State and the leader of the Islamic State inherits and internalizes the thoughts of its predecessor,Abu Musab al-Zarqawi,on establishing a caliphate and setting up the Islamic State. The organizational structure of the Islamic state is similar to the nation-state and provides a lot of advantages that other terrorist organizations lack. At the same time,though,the organizational structure of Islamic state has apparent disadvantages and its existence faces some major challenges now. In the future,the organizational structure of international terrorism will continue to evolve,including both al-Qaeda and the Islamic state.



