文章摘要:受巴以局势以及中东地缘政治的影响,2015年以色列的总体安全形势仍十分严峻:首先,巴以政治互信持续走低,双方在国际舞台的博弈和较量不断升级;其次,巴勒斯坦人发动的恐怖袭击在数量以及规模上都远超此前许多年,尤其在10月形成“恐怖袭击浪潮”,新一轮的恐怖袭击活动以持刀袭击和驾车撞击为主;再次,以色列与叙利亚的摩擦时断时续,以色列成为多股介入叙利亚冲突的外部力量之一;最后,黎巴嫩真主党与以色列爆发多次冲突,互有人员伤亡,导致以色列北部边境局势趋于... 展开
Abstract:Affected by the often divergent aims of the Israeli-Palestinian dynamic and Middle East geopolitics,Israel’s overall security situation was stagnant in 2015. The mutual trust among the political echelons of Israel and the Palestinian Authority continued to decline. Israel-PA tensions in the international arena witnessed continuous escalation and political backlash. The Terror attacks by Palestinians in 2015 were carried out at a fre... 展开