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作者:艾仁贵 出版日期:2016年08月 报告页数:26 页 报告大小: 报告字数:28148 字 所属丛书:以色列蓝皮书 所属图书:以色列发展报告(2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:受巴以局势以及中东地缘政治的影响,2015年以色列的总体安全形势仍十分严峻:首先,巴以政治互信持续走低,双方在国际舞台的博弈和较量不断升级;其次,巴勒斯坦人发动的恐怖袭击在数量以及规模上都远超此前许多年,尤其在10月形成“恐怖袭击浪潮”,新一轮的恐怖袭击活动以持刀袭击和驾车撞击为主;再次,以色列与叙利亚的摩擦时断时续,以色列成为多股介入叙利亚冲突的外部力量之一;最后,黎巴嫩真主党与以色列爆发多次冲突,互有人员伤亡,导致以色列北部边境局势趋于... 展开



Abstract:Affected by the often divergent aims of the Israeli-Palestinian dynamic and Middle East geopolitics,Israel’s overall security situation was stagnant in 2015. The mutual trust among the political echelons of Israel and the Palestinian Authority continued to decline. Israel-PA tensions in the international arena witnessed continuous escalation and political backlash. The Terror attacks by Palestinians in 2015 were carried out at a fre... 展开

Abstract:Affected by the often divergent aims of the Israeli-Palestinian dynamic and Middle East geopolitics,Israel’s overall security situation was stagnant in 2015. The mutual trust among the political echelons of Israel and the Palestinian Authority continued to decline. Israel-PA tensions in the international arena witnessed continuous escalation and political backlash. The Terror attacks by Palestinians in 2015 were carried out at a frequency surpassing last years’ both in number and scale of damage. Especially noteworthy was the “New wave of Terror” beginning in September and culminating in October which mainly took the form of knife and car attacks. Intermittent frictions between Israel and Syria have produced minimal international condemnation. Several clashes between Israel and Hezbollah took place which caused casualties on both sides and led to the tense situation on Israel’s northern border. All in all,the new wave of terror is multidimensional,its occurrence entertains important social causes,and primarily how social media plays a special role in the incitement of terrorist attacks.



