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作者:马丹静 出版日期:2016年08月 报告页数:24 页 报告大小: 报告字数:27900 字 所属丛书:以色列蓝皮书 所属图书:以色列发展报告(2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2015年,以色列政坛最为重大的事件是第20届议会和第34届政府的选举。围绕此次大选,以色列各大党派之间展开了激烈的角逐和博弈。大选过后,利库德集团虽然成为第一大党并获得组阁权,但其组阁之路并不平坦,几经艰难建立的联合政府仅在议会中拥有一席多数。新一届政府成立后,以色列的内政外交政策没有发生大的改变,但由于宗教党派加入到执政联盟,之前政府做出的民主化改革基本上被推翻。在执政效率方面,新政府具有一定的执政能力,但微弱的议会多数影响着联合政府的运... 展开



Abstract:In 2015,the central event in Israeli politics was the election of Israel’s 20th Knesset and 34th government. Revolving around the election,the major Israeli parties conducted fierce political campaigning. Following the election,Likud became the leading party in the Knesset(parliament)and was authorized to build the new government,not a simple task to say the least. The new coalition government occupies a one-seat majority in th... 展开

Abstract:In 2015,the central event in Israeli politics was the election of Israel’s 20th Knesset and 34th government. Revolving around the election,the major Israeli parties conducted fierce political campaigning. Following the election,Likud became the leading party in the Knesset(parliament)and was authorized to build the new government,not a simple task to say the least. The new coalition government occupies a one-seat majority in the Knesset. After taking office,the coalition’s domestic and foreign policies underwent no significant shift. Nevertheless,with the joining of religious parties,the democratic reform made by the former government was greatly mitigated. As far as governing quality was concerned,the new administration’s razor-thin majority deeply influenced its governing efficiency. Taking Israeli election in 2015 as the entry point,this report analyzes the major parties’ stances and strategies before the election,reveals the feature termed “Israel’s identity politics” while touching on Netanyahu’s difficult course in forming the cabinet. Moreover,this report analyzes the administrative policies of the new government and the challenges it will face as it attempts to form a representative and efficient coalition.


