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作者:檀有志 出版日期:2016年06月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10418 字 所属图书:中外关系评论(第1期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:互联网为人类社会开启了一个全新的领域——网络空间,党的十八大报告中明确提出要高度重视“网络空间安全”。这一异军突起的新兴疆域理当不应成为一块法外之地,世界发达国家和地区的网络规制经验表明,契合自身具体实际的网络法律制度设计与实施,是维护网络空间秩序、增进网络空间安全的坚实保障。面对网络空间日趋复杂的安全形势,借鉴发达国家网络空间立法的经验教训,加快中国网络空间安全立法建设已然成为横亘在前的一个十分重要而又相当紧迫的现实议题,值得引起我... 展开



Abstract:The internet opens up a brand new field for human society:cyberspace. It is clearly announced in the report of 18th National Party Congress that “Cyberspace Security” will be paid great attention to. This unexpected emerging field ought not to be a lawless place. Experiences of developed countries and areas in regulations of cyberspace show that suitable design and application of cyber law system will be a strong insurance to maint... 展开

Abstract:The internet opens up a brand new field for human society:cyberspace. It is clearly announced in the report of 18th National Party Congress that “Cyberspace Security” will be paid great attention to. This unexpected emerging field ought not to be a lawless place. Experiences of developed countries and areas in regulations of cyberspace show that suitable design and application of cyber law system will be a strong insurance to maintain the network order and enhance cyberspace security. In the confrontation of the increasingly complicated situation of cyberspace security,learning from developed coun-tries’ experiences in cyberspace legislation and promote the construction of cyber law system in China have been a very inessential and urgent actual issue,which is worthy of our careful thinking and bold explorations.


