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作者:周琪 出版日期:2015年06月 报告页数:40 页 报告大小: 报告字数:45744 字 所属丛书:美国蓝皮书 所属图书:美国研究报告(2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:奥巴马政府的亚太政策与冷战后历届美国政府相比发生了重大变化。各种原因促使奥巴马政府做出把美国战略重心从中东转到亚太地区的战略“再平衡”决定。奥巴马政府认真地实施了这一战略:美国加强了同传统盟国的关系,积极发展同亚太新兴国家的伙伴关系,增加了在多边机制框架下对东盟的参与。“再平衡”战略的主要特点是:军事方面的“再平衡”比其他方面进展更快,计划更周密;TPP成为奥巴马政府“再平衡”战略在经济方面的重要支柱;在亚太地区内也进行了战略重点的“再... 展开



Abstract:Compared to other administrations after the Cold War,the Obama administration made significant changes to its Asia-Pacific policy. Multiple factors urged Obama administration to “rebalance” U.S. government attention and resources toward the Asia-Pacific region. The Obama administration has actively implemented the following strategies:strengthen and refurbish traditional alliances;actively forge new partnerships with emerging pow... 展开

Abstract:Compared to other administrations after the Cold War,the Obama administration made significant changes to its Asia-Pacific policy. Multiple factors urged Obama administration to “rebalance” U.S. government attention and resources toward the Asia-Pacific region. The Obama administration has actively implemented the following strategies:strengthen and refurbish traditional alliances;actively forge new partnerships with emerging powers from Asian-Pacific region;and increase its interaction with the ASEAN under the multilateral framework. The “Rebalance” strategy has three main features. First,the “Rebalance” of military affairs will make progress much faster than other aspects of the policy;its planning is much more thorough. Second,the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) will become a major pillar in President Obama’s rebalance in terms of economic statecraft. Third,the “Rebalance” will also be carried out within the Asia-Pacific region. In other words,priority is shifted from Northeast Asia to Southeast Asia. Although the U.S. government is positive about the “Rebalance” strategy and makes great efforts to implement it,many challenges remain. First,the “Rebalance” policy arouses suspicion from China. This creates obstacles to cooperation with China regarding important global issues. Second,slow progress in non-military fields causes observers to view the “Rebalance” as a policy limited to national defense. Third,a deep cut in the defense budget leads to a reduction of its military forces. Finally,turmoil in the Middle East and the Ukraine crisis distracts the U.S. from matters in the Asia-Pacific region. The Obama administration then becomes subject to criticism due to its weakness in fulfilling its commitment. If the U.S. cannot effectively address these new challenges,the implementation of the rebalancing policy will be seriously affected.


