文章摘要:2014年,丹麦经济出现复苏势头,就业形势良好,失业率下降;财政收支实现盈余,公共债务有所减少。面对复杂多变的国际金融环境,丹麦央行及时调整汇率以稳定克朗对欧元汇率,但也使本国陷入了通缩的风险。在政治领域,中左执政联盟分裂,组建左右大联合政府的可能性增加。在对外关系方面,丹麦继续积极参与欧盟和北约事务以及北极事务,同时也强调发展与新兴国家的关系。女王玛格丽特二世(Margrethe II)打破传统对中国进行第二次国事访问,中丹关系发展再上新台阶。 展开
Abstract:The Danish economy showed signs of recovery in 2014,with improved employment situation and decreased unemployment rate,a surplus in the fiscal balance and lessened public debt. Facing the changing international financial environment,the Danish Central Bank adjusted its exchange rate accordingly in order to achieve a stable exchange rate between Danish Crown and Euro,but this leads to a risk of possible deflation. In the political ... 展开