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作者:费晟 黄冠华 出版日期:2015年10月 报告页数:10 页 报告大小: 报告字数:9431 字 所属丛书:大洋洲蓝皮书 所属图书:大洋洲发展报告(2014~2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2014年的南太平洋岛国,在平稳和缓发展中迎来新契机和新挑战——传统保守派与时新变革方的角力成为这一年发展的最好注解。政治更迭中,民主化向前推进取得新成效,而外交领域的亮点当属中国国家主席习近平出访南太诸国,双方关系取得了历史性进展。在经济领域,岛国传统援助方澳大利亚及新西兰等国迎来新参与方如印度和中国等力量的继续介入。在社会领域,岛国在最为关注的环保气候问题上继续与传统主事国的保守主义进行抗争。尽管区域内不断进行着力量重组与联合分化,但... 展开



Abstract:Throughout the year of 2014,Oceania island states enjoyed a gentle and steady development,and it is also a period of time filled with new challenges and chances. That is,this year witnessed the competition between traditional or conservative factors and reformed or changed conditions. In the area of politics democratization achieved a great progress,and as for diplomacy,Chinese President Xi Jinping took a series of visits to isla... 展开

Abstract:Throughout the year of 2014,Oceania island states enjoyed a gentle and steady development,and it is also a period of time filled with new challenges and chances. That is,this year witnessed the competition between traditional or conservative factors and reformed or changed conditions. In the area of politics democratization achieved a great progress,and as for diplomacy,Chinese President Xi Jinping took a series of visits to island states,which propelled the bilateral relationships. In addition,in the field of economic,a range of new aid donors are operating in the Pacific,including China and India,which complicated the scene for traditional donors. Moreover,island states tried their best to struggle with those traditional powers on climate policy. Though the area faced some power restructuring and differentiation,based on its own characteristics,island states took corresponding measures to cope with the changing international situation,used the measures such as bilateral joint or multilateral cooperation to expand their influence.



