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作者:费晟 出版日期:2015年10月 报告页数:9 页 报告大小: 报告字数:8020 字 所属丛书:大洋洲蓝皮书 所属图书:大洋洲发展报告(2014~2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2014年澳大利亚政局总体平稳,波澜不惊。2014年是托尼·阿伯特联盟党政府胜选后执政的第一个整年。尽管在参议院处于相对弱势,执政党仍然积极推动竞选承诺的落实,特别是成功废除了碳税。此外政府也通过雷厉风行的手段遏止了非法移民船只入境。然而在财政预算重整与改革方面,执政党收获甚微,一些削减公共福利的决策甚至激起了强烈的公众反弹。2014年在野党工党的民意支持率重新超越了执政的联盟党,并且在维多利亚与南澳大利亚州的选举中获胜,同时也丢掉了在塔斯马尼亚1... 展开



Abstract:2014 was a challenging first year in office for the Abbott government,although the political atmosphere was relatively mild in Australia. Abbott struggled to navigate its legislative program through a hostile Senate and successfully repeal the Carbon Tax as his wish. Minister for Immigration Scott Morrison also declared that government “stopped the boats” of the smuggling refugees. However,the budget reform project caused unplease... 展开

Abstract:2014 was a challenging first year in office for the Abbott government,although the political atmosphere was relatively mild in Australia. Abbott struggled to navigate its legislative program through a hostile Senate and successfully repeal the Carbon Tax as his wish. Minister for Immigration Scott Morrison also declared that government “stopped the boats” of the smuggling refugees. However,the budget reform project caused unpleased public opinion and was basically at a standstill. At the state level,three states finished their elections and had seen two changes of government. The Liberal Party had fallen behind Labour Party in the opinion poll. While the liberals won power in Tasmania for the first-time in 16 years but they lost in Victoria. The labours also kept the power in South Australia by a slight victory. More strikingly the premier of New South Wales was resigned because of a bribe scandal. In 2015,the coming challenges to government would mainly be the controversial budget reform and a competitive outline for the next election launched by the Labours.


