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作者:潘艳勤 出版日期:2016年03月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16157 字 所属丛书:东盟黄皮书 所属图书:东盟发展报告(2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2014年,越南政治稳定,越南共产党继续打击腐败,以树立国民对党和政府的信心。越南经济发展迅速,国内生产总值较2013年增长约5.98%,但越南的经济形势仍不容乐观。越南外交事务相当活跃。2014年5月,越南与中国因为南海问题关系紧张,两国关系进入低谷。越南事后努力修复与中国的关系,同时积极寻求国际力量支持自己在本地区事务的发展。越共积极开展多边外交,高层互访频繁。越南加强与美国、俄罗斯、日本、韩国、印度等国以及欧盟的合作与联系,同时与周边国家,尤其是... 展开



Abstract:Vietnam kept political stability in 2014. Vietnamese government strengthened legislative work,and Vietnamese Communist Party continued to fight corruption in order to establish confidence for the party and the government. Economy in Vietnam developed very fast in 2014,and gross domestic product(GDP)grew by about 5.98% compared with 2013. However,Vietnam’s economic was still in trouble,and economic situation was still not optimi... 展开

Abstract:Vietnam kept political stability in 2014. Vietnamese government strengthened legislative work,and Vietnamese Communist Party continued to fight corruption in order to establish confidence for the party and the government. Economy in Vietnam developed very fast in 2014,and gross domestic product(GDP)grew by about 5.98% compared with 2013. However,Vietnam’s economic was still in trouble,and economic situation was still not optimistic. Vietnam’s foreign affairs were quite active. In May 2014,the relationship between Vietnam and China was tense because of South China Sea issues. Vietnam tried to repair its relationship with China after the event,and sedulously sought international power to support itself in the region. Vietnamese Communist Party actively carried out multilateral diplomacy,and high-level visiting between top leaders of various countries were very frequent. Vietnam strengthened its cooperation and connection with big powers such as America,Russia,Japan,Korea,India and European Union,and at the same time,it kept close cooperation with its neighboring countries,especially Laos,Cambodia,Malasia etc. so as to comply with domestic economic development and today’s complex and changeable international affairs.


