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作者:曹中屏 出版日期:2013年05月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13225 字 所属丛书:复旦大学韩国研究丛书 所属图书:韩国研究论丛 第二十五辑(2013年第一辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:公元42~562年,在洛东江流域曾经存在过一个由若干小国组成的伽耶联盟国家。同新罗、百济、高句丽三国一样,伽耶也是在朝鲜半岛占有广阔领土的王权国家。伽耶联盟的历史大体可分为两个时期:前期(公元1~5世纪中期)以位于今釜山、金海地区的驾洛国为中心的伽耶联盟,后期(5世纪末以后)以位于今庆尚北道高灵郡及其西部山岳地带的大伽耶为首组成伽耶王国。伽耶文化集中反映在其古坟文化上。伽耶国家文化生活已经达到了相当高的水平。目前,以“三国时代”作为朝鲜上古史... 展开



Abstract:From A.D.42 to A.D.562,there was a Gaya federation consisting of some small countries existed at the basin of Nakdong river. Just as the Silla,Paekche and Koguryo,Gaya held a broad territory on Korean Peninsula. The history of Gaya confederacy maybe divided into two parts roughly:The earlier period of Gaya federation(from A.D.1st century to middle of 5th century)took Pusan and Gimhae area as the center;the later period of Gaya ... 展开

Abstract:From A.D.42 to A.D.562,there was a Gaya federation consisting of some small countries existed at the basin of Nakdong river. Just as the Silla,Paekche and Koguryo,Gaya held a broad territory on Korean Peninsula. The history of Gaya confederacy maybe divided into two parts roughly:The earlier period of Gaya federation(from A.D.1st century to middle of 5th century)took Pusan and Gimhae area as the center;the later period of Gaya Kingdom(from the late 5th century)took Daegaya as the head which is located at Goryeong county of North Gyeongsang Province. The Gaya had already achieved the high level culture which is generally reflected on its ancient grave culture. At present,the research system frame,i.e. the Three Kingdoms time didn’t conform to its historical facts and we should strengthen the research on the history of Gaya.


