文章摘要:修宪是安倍内阁的主要政治目标,他们希望通过修宪实现其所鼓吹的法理、宪政、民主的价值观,从而确保执政正当性和持续性。然而,安倍的修宪主张恰恰背离法理、宪政、民主的价值观,安倍修宪违反了作为国际法主体的日本应该遵循的国际法义务,违背了国际法基本原理,具有违法性,与其倡导的遵照国际法原理处理国际关系南辕北辙。安倍修宪实质上是废除和平主义的基本原则,对第96条提案条件的修改主张也将实质上改变日本宪法的刚性特征,这些都是违背宪法法理的主张,从司法... 展开
Abstract:The constitutional amendment is one of most important political goals of Abe administration. The legal,constitutional and democratic values are the key justification for Abe’s campaign to revise Japan’s constitution,and grounds for legitimacy to ensure the long-ruling of LDP. However,Abe’s claim is in fact contrary to the real spirit of legal,constitutional and democratic values. Firstly,it will mislead Japan to fail its oblig... 展开