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作者:伍文浩 出版日期:2013年08月 报告页数:9 页 报告大小: 报告字数:6346 字 所属丛书:广州蓝皮书 所属图书:广州创新型城市发展报告(2013) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:Guangdong technology-based small and micro enterprises are the cornerstone of Guangdong social and economic development, with operating flexibility, great growth potential, innovative and generating jobs. Recently, Guangdong technology-based small and micro enterprises are widely dispersed, most vulnerable and least care, and their survive and development and R&D innovation are lack of guidance, funds and service. This paper considers... 展开

Abstract:Guangdong technology-based small and micro enterprises are the cornerstone of Guangdong social and economic development, with operating flexibility, great growth potential, innovative and generating jobs. Recently, Guangdong technology-based small and micro enterprises are widely dispersed, most vulnerable and least care, and their survive and development and R&D innovation are lack of guidance, funds and service. This paper considers: making full use of Special Funds, driving all levels of government innovation input, implementing independent innovation policies which favors for small and micro enterprises, and accelerating technology-based small and micro enterprises' development and improving industry transform and upgrade.



伍文浩:(1982~ ),男,广东佛山人,广东省科技统计分析中心副主任,副研究员,长期从事科技统计分析和战略研究工作。