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作者:张敏 出版日期:2011年03月 报告页数:9 页 报告大小: 报告字数:9892 字 所属丛书:欧洲蓝皮书 所属图书:欧洲发展报告(2010~2011) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:从研发强度、科研智力资源、创新能力等多项指标来看,目前欧盟科技实力仍落后于美国和日本,但差距呈缩小趋势。欧洲主权债务危机放慢了各国摆脱经济衰退的步伐。同时因受危机冲击,企业被迫削减研发投入,削弱了欧盟整体的科技发展与创新能力。对此,欧盟《第七研究开发框架计划》提出两项规模庞大的科研投资,以加快实现经济复苏。欧盟通过加强国际科技合作提升区内科技实力的意识不断增强,与非洲、拉美等地区展开多种科技合作,依靠中欧科技合作来提升欧盟科技国际战略... 展开



Abstract:The Summary Innovation Index including indicators such as R&D Intensity,S&T Human Resources and Innovation performance shows that the present technology capability of the EU is still lagging behind that of the US and Japan,but the gap is gradually narrowing. The European sovereign debt crisis has slowed down the pace of the European economy recovering from recession,and at the same time,the enterprises have been forced to reduce R... 展开

Abstract:The Summary Innovation Index including indicators such as R&D Intensity,S&T Human Resources and Innovation performance shows that the present technology capability of the EU is still lagging behind that of the US and Japan,but the gap is gradually narrowing. The European sovereign debt crisis has slowed down the pace of the European economy recovering from recession,and at the same time,the enterprises have been forced to reduce R&D investment,thus weakening the overall technological development and innovation performance of the EU as a whole. The EU put forward the biggest ever investment plan in research and innovation in order to help realise economic recovery as soon as possible,with FP7 at its core,which has made contributions to speeding up the process of the European Research Area. In the meanwhile,the EU prioritizes its actions on the Information Society and low-carbon technologies for keeping and upgrading its S&T competitiveness in the future. S&T international cooperation,especially that between China and the EU,has become one of the major pillars for strengthening the EU’s strategic status in the global S&T.


