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作者:陈新 出版日期:2011年03月 报告页数:11 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11797 字 所属丛书:欧洲蓝皮书 所属图书:欧洲发展报告(2010~2011) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2010年上半年,因希腊债务危机而引发的欧洲主权债务危机给欧洲带来了巨大震荡。危机的表象是欧盟国家公共财政的不可持续性,更主要的是暴露出欧洲经济治理的弱点和金融监管的缺失。危机随着欧盟和国际货币基金组织联合推出的7500亿欧元救助计划而暂告一段落,欧洲国家在危机后也纷纷削减财政赤字,调整公共财政结构。除了这些应急举措之外,欧洲还大力加强应对危机的制度建设,具体表现为强化欧洲金融监管,深化欧洲经济治理,变危机带来的压力为欧洲一体化进程的动力。 展开



Abstract:During the first half of 2010,the Euro zone was struck heavily by the European sovereign debt crisis triggered by the Greek debt crisis. The crisis was expressed as a surface phenomenon in the unsustainability of the public finance in some EU members,which exposed the deep-seated weaknesses of the European economic governance and the lack of financial supervision. The crisis has been alleviated temporarily along with the 750bn Euro ... 展开

Abstract:During the first half of 2010,the Euro zone was struck heavily by the European sovereign debt crisis triggered by the Greek debt crisis. The crisis was expressed as a surface phenomenon in the unsustainability of the public finance in some EU members,which exposed the deep-seated weaknesses of the European economic governance and the lack of financial supervision. The crisis has been alleviated temporarily along with the 750bn Euro stability package jointly introduced by the EU and IMF. At the same time,the EU member states started their budgetary austerity plans,such as cutting deficits and adjusting the public financial structures. In addition,the EU has been taking unprecedented efforts to strengthen institutional building,including particularly enhancing financial supervision and deepening economic governance. If that could be the case,the crisis will turn out to be a motive power instead of pressures for further European integration.


