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作者:王振华 薛彦平 出版日期:2010年02月 报告页数:11 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10461 字 所属丛书:欧洲蓝皮书 所属图书:欧洲发展报告(2009~2010) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:奥巴马入主白宫以来,摒弃小布什执政时“单边主义”的某些做法,推行“外交新政”,为美欧关系注入了新的活力,受到欧盟国家的欢迎,它们对奥巴马政府的“外交新政”也予以一定程度的响应和配合。欧美之间的分歧和摩擦有所弥合或减少,政治、安全对话和经济合作得到明显改善与加强。推动欧美关系变化的主要动因,是当今世界形势发生了急剧而深刻的变化。美国自身实力和影响力相对衰落,是国际权力格局变化的突出表现;新兴经济体的迅速崛起和欧洲一体化的发展,成为推动全... 展开



Abstract:After coming to power,US President Barack Obama implemented a “New Deal” in its foreign policy instead of the unilateral practices during the Bush years,which rejuvenated the EU-US relations. Obama’s new approaches were popular with its Atlantic partners who responded with positive reactions and some kind of coordination. Therefore,the division between the two sides was narrowed and dialogues on politics,security and economy we... 展开

Abstract:After coming to power,US President Barack Obama implemented a “New Deal” in its foreign policy instead of the unilateral practices during the Bush years,which rejuvenated the EU-US relations. Obama’s new approaches were popular with its Atlantic partners who responded with positive reactions and some kind of coordination. Therefore,the division between the two sides was narrowed and dialogues on politics,security and economy were strengthened. The driving force behind the changing EU-US relations is mainly the rapid and profound transformation of the international political situation. On the one hand,the relative decline of the US is one of the most visible phenomena in the world power pattern,while on the other hand,the emerging economies are rising in a rapid rate and meanwhile,the EU is gaining power. All the above factors put together have brought about changes in world power pattern and readjustment of the EU-US relations. At the same time,increasing competition has become obvious across the Atlantic on how to address the economic crisis and to enhance global financial supervision.



