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作者:〔日〕贝塚正彰 出版日期:2014年05月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13134 字 所属丛书:日本经济蓝皮书 所属图书:日本经济与中日经贸关系研究报告(2014) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:日本在安倍内阁执政一年的时间里实施的经济政策,即所谓安倍经济学,通过“第一支箭”“大胆的金融政策”和“第二支箭”“机动的财政政策”,已经在形成通胀预期和提振股市等方面取得了一定成效。同时日本还决定在2014年4月上调消费税率等,正在努力让该国在发达国家中处于最糟糕水平的财政情况得到重建。今后的任务是,通过大力推动“增长战略”这一结构改革,激发民间投资,促进工资水平的提高,以实现经济再生和财政重建的良性循环。日本的上述举措,对于中国正在开展... 展开



Abstract:Since the birth of the Abe administration,its economic policy,so called “Abenomics,” especially by adopting “aggressive monetary policy (first arrow of the three arrows of “Abenomics”)” and “flexible fiscal policy (second arrow),” has brought in certain outcomes including materializing inflationary expectation and boosting the stock market. At the same time,the administration has taken a tangible step forward,includi... 展开

Abstract:Since the birth of the Abe administration,its economic policy,so called “Abenomics,” especially by adopting “aggressive monetary policy (first arrow of the three arrows of “Abenomics”)” and “flexible fiscal policy (second arrow),” has brought in certain outcomes including materializing inflationary expectation and boosting the stock market. At the same time,the administration has taken a tangible step forward,including confirmation of implementing the planned raise of consumption tax rate in April this year,to consolidate the Japan’s fiscal situation which has been the worst in the advanced countries. The country is now facing a challenge to activate virtuous cycles of revitalizing its economy and fiscal consolidation through promoting private investment and encouraging wage increase by decisively implementing the Growth Strategy which consists of numerous structural reforms. In doing so,Japan could suggest some lessons to China which is also in the process of unprecedentedly deep and broad reform process and in turn Japan could learn from China conducting the challenging reforms. In this particular perspective,possible bilateral exchange of experience,views and opinions between relevant bodies of the two countries could substantially contribute to their reform process.


