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作者:娜琳 出版日期:2014年09月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14485 字 所属丛书:上海合作组织黄皮书 所属图书:上海合作组织发展报告(2014) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2013年以来,蒙古国政治局势基本稳定。民主党出身的总统与民主派占多数的议会、政府配合默契。蒙古国经济继续保持两位数增长,但由于法律环境不稳,导致包括中国在内的外国投资贸易下降和经济增幅放缓,对此,蒙古国议会和政府正在采取提振经济的积极措施。2013年,蒙古国外交仍然活跃,与外界联系广泛、高层互访频繁,但其外交重点还是中俄两个邻国。作为上海合作组织首个观察员国,蒙古国越来越重视与该组织的关系,蒙古国注重上合组织框架内的经贸、能源、基础设施、过... 展开



Abstract:Since 2013,the Mogolian political situation has been stable. The president out of the Democratic Party,the Parlianment whose major seats are taken by the Democratic Party and the government have collaborated tacitly. The Mogolian national economy has continuously kept a two-digit growth. However,the instability of its legal environment has led to the decline of foreign trade and investment including those with China,and the slowne... 展开

Abstract:Since 2013,the Mogolian political situation has been stable. The president out of the Democratic Party,the Parlianment whose major seats are taken by the Democratic Party and the government have collaborated tacitly. The Mogolian national economy has continuously kept a two-digit growth. However,the instability of its legal environment has led to the decline of foreign trade and investment including those with China,and the slowness of its economic growth. As for this,the Mogolian Parlianment and government are taking positive measures to revitalize its economy. In 2013,the Mogolian diplomacy remained active,with wide foreign contact,frequent mutual visits at the top level,and a focus on its two neighbors China and Russia. As the first SCO observer state,Mogolia has paid more and more attention to its relations with the organization. It attaches importance to the cooperation in economic trade,energy,infrastructure,trans-border transportation and tourism within the SCO’s framework.


