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作者:马钟成 出版日期:2013年05月 报告页数:8 页 报告大小: 报告字数:7842 字 所属丛书:世界社会主义黄皮书 No.1 所属图书:世界社会主义跟踪研究报告(2012~2013)(上) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2012年1月5日美国公布了一份新军事战略报告,公开点名将中国与伊朗并列作为主要的对手和威胁,但对俄罗斯相当客气。在美国看来,美国已经无法用恐吓的方式左右俄罗斯的外交政策,尽管奥巴马深知普京主导下的俄罗斯是美国的真正战略对手。21世纪以来,美国历次军事安全战略报告中对俄罗斯却总是十分客气,反而一直强调中国是最大的威胁,这显然是在针对中国进行信息心理战。在伊朗问题解决前,美国对中国的强硬表态和军事部署本质上是“吓阻”战略,欲阻止中国和伊朗等国家... 展开



Abstract:On January 5,2012 the United States announced a new military strategy report,publicly branded China and Iran as the main rivals and threats,but treated Russia politely. In the view of the U.S.,it has been unable to use threats to interfere with Russian foreign policy,though Obama knows that Russia under the leadership of Putin is the real strategic rival to the U.S.. Since the beginning of the new century,the U.S. military secur... 展开

Abstract:On January 5,2012 the United States announced a new military strategy report,publicly branded China and Iran as the main rivals and threats,but treated Russia politely. In the view of the U.S.,it has been unable to use threats to interfere with Russian foreign policy,though Obama knows that Russia under the leadership of Putin is the real strategic rival to the U.S.. Since the beginning of the new century,the U.S. military security strategy reports have always been very polite to Russia,while always taking China as the biggest threat. This is obviously an information psychological warfare against China. Before Iran’s nuclear issues are solved,U.S. will continue to issue threats against China through words or action intended to prevent China from aligning with Iran and Russia.


