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大危机 大分化 大变革:透析世界格局深刻变化——《2011~2012世界社会主义黄皮书》发布暨“世界格局与社会结构和新自由主义与金融霸权”学术研讨会综述

作者:曹苏红 王立强 出版日期:2013年05月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12624 字 所属丛书:世界社会主义黄皮书 No.1 所属图书:世界社会主义跟踪研究报告(2012~2013)(上) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本文系2012年3月2日中国社科院世界社会主义研究中心和社会科学文献出版社联合举办的“《2011~2012世界社会主义黄皮书》发布暨‘世界格局与社会结构和新自由主义与金融霸权’学术研讨会”述要。会议围绕国际金融危机凸显阶级力量变化、新自由主义重构国际资产阶级、世界格局变动持续深化等问题进行了深入研讨并指出,当今在国际垄断资本主义主导下两极分化加重、社会冲突加剧,资本主义危机再次凸显阶级划分的重要性。与会者认为,国际垄断资本创新攫取超额利润的剥削方式... 展开



Abstract:This article is an overview of the release of the Yellow Book of World Socialism 2011-2012 and the Symposium on World Situation and Social Structure vs. Neo-liberalism and Financial Hegemony,which was co-sponsored by the World Socialism Research Center and the Social Sciences Academic Press on March 2,2012. The symposium focused on topics of the changing class forces in the context of global financial crisis,the international bourg... 展开

Abstract:This article is an overview of the release of the Yellow Book of World Socialism 2011-2012 and the Symposium on World Situation and Social Structure vs. Neo-liberalism and Financial Hegemony,which was co-sponsored by the World Socialism Research Center and the Social Sciences Academic Press on March 2,2012. The symposium focused on topics of the changing class forces in the context of global financial crisis,the international bourgeoisie reconstructed by neo-liberalism,and drastic changes in world situation,highlighting the importance of class differentiation in the context of the widening disparity between the rich and the poor,the intensifying social conflicts and the capitalist crisis. The participants argued that the international monopoly capital is innovating its ways of exploitation to gain super profits,that state monopoly capitalism has created favorable conditions for its transformation into international monopoly capitalism,and that the international bourgeoisie are restructuring(1)their power of restoring capital;and(2)their efforts to promote the integration of commercial capital and financial capital. The international monopoly capital is launching a new form of economic colonization of the world. New economies are emerging. And world socialist movements are on the eve of a revival and new transformation.



