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作者:余斌 王静 出版日期:2013年05月 报告页数:8 页 报告大小: 报告字数:6423 字 所属丛书:世界社会主义黄皮书 No.1 所属图书:世界社会主义跟踪研究报告(2012~2013)(下) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:发达国家的媒体给本国的寡头资本主义贴上自由资本主义的标签,同时给新兴国家同样的寡头资本主义的做法如扶持本国私有大企业贴上国家资本主义的标签,制造自由资本主义与国家资本主义道路之争的假象,并以战争相威胁,诱使或迫使新兴国家重走新自由主义道路,以便向新兴国家转嫁经济危机,维持旧的国际经济秩序。他们同时还给中国贴上国家资本主义的标签。但是,中国的社会主义国有企业与资本主义国有企业有着本质不同。中国应当高举( 中国特色) 社会主义的旗帜,将国有企... 展开

文章摘要:发达国家的媒体给本国的寡头资本主义贴上自由资本主义的标签,同时给新兴国家同样的寡头资本主义的做法如扶持本国私有大企业贴上国家资本主义的标签,制造自由资本主义与国家资本主义道路之争的假象,并以战争相威胁,诱使或迫使新兴国家重走新自由主义道路,以便向新兴国家转嫁经济危机,维持旧的国际经济秩序。他们同时还给中国贴上国家资本主义的标签。但是,中国的社会主义国有企业与资本主义国有企业有着本质不同。中国应当高举( 中国特色) 社会主义的旗帜,将国有企业重新更名为全民所有企业,并加强与其他同样受到打压的金砖国家的市场联盟,以市场换市场,携手促进国际经济新秩序的建立。


Abstract:The media of developed countries affix the label of liberal capitalism to its oligarchic capitalism. At the same time,they affix the label of state capitalism to emerging countries which support their own private enterprise as same as developed countries. Thus they fabricate the illusion of the dispute between liberal capitalism and state capitalism. They sometimes threaten the emerging countries with war so as to lure and force them... 展开

Abstract:The media of developed countries affix the label of liberal capitalism to its oligarchic capitalism. At the same time,they affix the label of state capitalism to emerging countries which support their own private enterprise as same as developed countries. Thus they fabricate the illusion of the dispute between liberal capitalism and state capitalism. They sometimes threaten the emerging countries with war so as to lure and force them into re-taking the neo-liberal road so that they can pass on the economic crisis to these countries and maintain the old international economic order. They also affix the label of state capitalism to China. However,there is an essential distinction between socialist state-owned business and capitalist state-owned business. China should hold high the banner of socialism(with Chinese characteristics),rename the state-owned enterprises for the enterprises owned by the whole people,and strengthen the market alliance with the other BRIC countries which are also suppressed by developed countries. By market for the market,BRIC will facilitate the establishment of a new international economic order.



