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作者:葛成 出版日期:2015年01月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13435 字 所属丛书:亚太蓝皮书 所属图书:亚太地区发展报告(2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:自日本加入谈判进程后,美日两国主导TPP的趋势越发显著。TPP协议能否达成、什么时候达成,关键要看双方在共同或相近的战略利益驱使下互相妥协的程度与速度。在东亚战略格局动态变化与中国快速崛起的背景下,美日战略利益的契合面相当可观。这也是为什么两国断然加入TPP,并将其列为本国在区内各种经济一体化安排中优先选项的首要原因。同时,美日未能在短期内就TPP具体条款达成妥协,亦反映出双方存在显著的战略分歧:在战略格局、战略紧迫性、国内形势及经济利益方面,两... 展开



Abstract:The trend that the United States and Japan to led Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement(TPP)negotiation process has becoming increasingly apparent after Japan’s accession. The extent and speed of compromise from both sides driven by same and similar strategic interests is now the key whether an agreement of TPP can be reached or,at what time,to be reached. Under the rapidly changing strategic situation in East Asia as background,c... 展开

Abstract:The trend that the United States and Japan to led Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement(TPP)negotiation process has becoming increasingly apparent after Japan’s accession. The extent and speed of compromise from both sides driven by same and similar strategic interests is now the key whether an agreement of TPP can be reached or,at what time,to be reached. Under the rapidly changing strategic situation in East Asia as background,correspond of U.S. -Japan bilateral strategic interest is very considerable. This is why the two countries have joined TPP,and listed it as the primary cause of the country in the area of economic integration arrangements in the various priority options. Meanwhile,the United States and Japan failed to reach agreement on TPP in the short term,though compromise over specific terms,reflects significant strategic differences between the two sides:in terms of strategic configuration,strategic urgency,domestic situation and economic relations,there are significant differences between the two countries.



