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作者:王玉主 出版日期:2008年06月 报告页数:11 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11616 字 所属丛书:亚太蓝皮书 所属图书:亚太地区发展报告No.8(2008) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:作为加强区域一体化的努力,东盟2003年提出了建设东盟经济共同体的目标。2007年东盟第13次领导人会议通过了《东盟经济共同体蓝图》,将建立经济共同体作为实现经济一体化的途径。同时,会议还通过了《东盟宪章》,作为东盟共同体建设的制度支撑。虽然东盟此前在推动一体化方面的努力将成为东盟经济共同体建设的重要基石,但作为一个涵盖内容广泛的一体化计划,经济共同体建设必将面临诸多挑战,解决这些问题需要各成员国密切的合作与协调,而这些可能超出了《东盟宪章》确... 展开



Abstract:Aimed at strengthening regional economic integration,ASEAN initiated the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2003. The ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint rectified at the 13th summit outlined the framework of AEC,while ASEAN Charter,launched at the same summit,will provide the basic institutional support for the smoothly progress of AEC. But in this paper,we will show that although the endeavors on economic integrations during la... 展开

Abstract:Aimed at strengthening regional economic integration,ASEAN initiated the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2003. The ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint rectified at the 13th summit outlined the framework of AEC,while ASEAN Charter,launched at the same summit,will provide the basic institutional support for the smoothly progress of AEC. But in this paper,we will show that although the endeavors on economic integrations during last four decades may serve as fundamental bricks of AEC which will make it easier to realize,AEC will confront many challenges because it’s an ambitious program that need close cooperation and coordination of all members to keep going forward. And this may go beyond what ASEAN Charter can provide. Nevertheless,ASEAN can still fulfill the task and declare in 2015 or even before that the success of an AEC,albeit with strong ASEAN character.


