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作者:姚腾 出版日期:2024年01月 报告页数:23 页 报告大小: 报告字数:23400 字 所属图书:南亚问题研究 2024年第1辑(总第1辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:从诸多汉译的印度典籍及中国佛教传记中的记载可知,古代印度将自然地理范围广阔的雪山看作神圣空间,形成了对雪山的超自然想象,即雪山崇拜。人们相信,雪山是无热恼的清凉圣境,是治愈恶疾、提升生命质量的神奇药草繁衍之处,是诸龙王瑞兽栖息之所,是仙佛鬼神的修行灵地。古印度雪山崇拜尚未形成完备的宗教信仰体系,但对山岳神圣空间中种种灵迹的建构多有启发。表达雪山崇拜的诸多典籍经由西域向东传播,在经过翻译传入中国之后与中国传统的山岳崇拜思想结合,又促成了... 展开



Abstract:From the many records in the Chinese Translations of Buddhist scripture,it can be seen that ancient India regarded the Himavanta mountains with a wide range of natural geography as sacred spaces,and people believed that snow mountain regions were a cool holy land without trouble,a place where magical herbs multiply to cure evil diseases and improve the quality of life. It is the habitat of rare birds and animals,the dragon kings,... 展开

Abstract:From the many records in the Chinese Translations of Buddhist scripture,it can be seen that ancient India regarded the Himavanta mountains with a wide range of natural geography as sacred spaces,and people believed that snow mountain regions were a cool holy land without trouble,a place where magical herbs multiply to cure evil diseases and improve the quality of life. It is the habitat of rare birds and animals,the dragon kings,and the spiritual place where ghosts,spirits,immortals and Buddhas are located. Although the worship to the snow mountains in ancient India has not yet formed a complete system,the construction of various spiritual signs in the sacred space of the mountains combined with the traditional mountain concept in China after the eastward spread,which affected the development of the worships in the mountains of Chinese Buddhism and contributed to the formation of the belief system of the sacred mountains of Buddhism in China.


