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作者:胡琨 出版日期:2017年06月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15841 字 所属丛书:欧洲蓝皮书 所属图书:欧洲发展报告(2016~2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:在离散的银行监管体系下,金融一体化的不断加深使欧洲金融体系风险持续累积,最终在国际金融危机的冲击下引发了主权债务危机与银行业危机的恶性循环。为应对这一困境,欧盟着手建立包括单一监管机制、单一清算机制和单一监管规则手册的银行业联盟。随着银行业联盟建设的逐渐完善,欧盟银行业抵御风险的能力得到增强,金融市场爆发系统性风险的可能性大幅降低。但是危机冲击后的欧盟银行,启动了痛苦的修复资产负债表及转换经营模式进程,加上欧洲央行负利率等因素,一些银... 展开



Abstract:Within the discrete system of banking supervision,the deepening of financial integration process led to continuous accumulation of risks in the European financial system,which had finally triggered a vicious spiral of European sovereign debt crisis and banking crisis under the shock of the international financial crisis. To deal with this dilemma,the European Union began to establish the banking union with a single regulatory mecha... 展开

Abstract:Within the discrete system of banking supervision,the deepening of financial integration process led to continuous accumulation of risks in the European financial system,which had finally triggered a vicious spiral of European sovereign debt crisis and banking crisis under the shock of the international financial crisis. To deal with this dilemma,the European Union began to establish the banking union with a single regulatory mechanism,a single resolution mechanism and a single rule book. With the implementation and improvement of the banking union,the ability of the EU financial system to resist risks has been significantly enhanced and the possibility of the outbreak of systemic risks in the financial market greatly reduced. But the painful process of balance sheet repair and transformation of business model launched after the crisis,together with the ECB negative interest rates,has sparked various problems in some banks or banking sector of some countries.


