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作者:冯仲平 贺之杲 杨成玉 出版日期:2023年04月 报告页数:26 页 报告大小: 报告字数:25449 字 所属丛书:欧洲蓝皮书 所属图书:欧洲发展报告(2021~2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2021年欧洲的关键词是“复苏”和“自主”:在新冠疫情中力推经济复苏,在大国地缘政治竞争中争取自主。目前,欧洲正处在世纪疫情和百年大变局之中,新冠疫情放大了欧洲治理痼疾,一体化进一步失衡发展,国际实力地位持续下降,大国竞争的加剧和地缘政治的回归催生欧洲战略焦虑。在此形势下,欧洲领导人大力推动欧盟经济转型和外交转型,以应对内外两大变局。俄乌冲突的爆发对欧洲安全和经济秩序造成严重冲击,进一步刺激欧洲地缘政治的“觉醒”并使转型更具紧迫性。所谓经... 展开



Abstract:“Recovery” and “autonomy” dominated the European agenda in 2021:to push for economic recovery amid the COVID-19 pandemic,and to strive for strategic autonomy along the growing competition of great powers. Currently,Europe is going through a very challenging period,for instance,European governance problems are intensified,European differentiated integration is further magnified,the international role of the EU is shrinking,... 展开

Abstract:“Recovery” and “autonomy” dominated the European agenda in 2021:to push for economic recovery amid the COVID-19 pandemic,and to strive for strategic autonomy along the growing competition of great powers. Currently,Europe is going through a very challenging period,for instance,European governance problems are intensified,European differentiated integration is further magnified,the international role of the EU is shrinking,and the geopolitical competition of great powers is strengthening,which undoubtedly exacerbate the strategic anxiety of Europe. Under the circumstances,European leaders have stepped up efforts to promote the EU’s economic and strategic transformation,thereby effectively tackling with challenges at home and abroad. The outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict exerted a serious impact on European security and economic order,further stimulating Europe’s geopolitical awakening and accelerating Europe’s transformation. Specifically,economic transformation mainly refers to digital and green transformation,thereby enhancing economic competitiveness with twin green and digital goals. Regarding strategic transformation,Europe would re-orientate its global actorness,with the presence of trade-off between strategic autonomy and dependent on alliance,concurrency among economic interests,geopolitical Europe and normative power,re-balance between Europe’s Indo-Pacific strategy and neighbourhood relationship. In sum,the two great transformations in Europe are driven by significant worsening of strategic environments in terms of global and Europe level,and consequently,they have significant impacts on Europe and its relationship with other parts of the world.




