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作者:黄楼 出版日期:2022年06月 报告页数:11 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14040 字 所属图书:丝绸之路研究集刊·第八辑 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:唐前期推行的府兵制是一种比较严整的军事制度。府兵平时番上宿卫,战时组成行军远征。在实际运作过程中,除普通身份的府兵外,还有少量比较特殊的群体。例如,吐鲁番军事文书中出现有“陪番人”“陪人”“队陪”,此三词同为府兵制下的专有名词,从构词角度看,似有密切的内在联系。关于这些名词的具体内涵,孙继民、孟宪实等先生曾有解读,a王启涛先生在《吐鲁番出土文献词典》中也有专门的词条。b但是,前人多未注意三者之间的联系,相关解读也存有较大的分歧。本文拟就... 展开



Abstract:“Beifan” is the only word that ancient document has. Beifan (陪番) is Beifan (倍番) which means the people who don’t serve corvee. The assignment they have to do is twice as much as before. The early Tang document found in turpan military instruments has the title signifying identity,such as “Beifanren”“Beiren” and “Duibei”. “Beifan” is the people who has be punished and be organized separate. “Beiren” and “Beifanre... 展开

Abstract:“Beifan” is the only word that ancient document has. Beifan (陪番) is Beifan (倍番) which means the people who don’t serve corvee. The assignment they have to do is twice as much as before. The early Tang document found in turpan military instruments has the title signifying identity,such as “Beifanren”“Beiren” and “Duibei”. “Beifan” is the people who has be punished and be organized separate. “Beiren” and “Beifanren” are very similar,they both mean the people has to be punish for some reason to serve double sorvee. Unlike the normal soldiers,“Beiren” can rent horse to pay the “Shituo”. “Duibei” is the “Beiren”. According to the unearthed document,“Duibei” is the half of the fixed quantity. If the number of “Duiben” equal to the fixed quantity of the troop,the task will be twice as much as normal soldier. So the “Bei”(倍) means the task not the time twofold in practice. Be on actice service,beside the requisition and signed up for duty voluntarily,there has the people who are punished. The document relate to “Beiren” is limited,so the research on this problem has high value.


