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作者:王焜 杨杭军 侯蒙 出版时间:2023年01月 报告页数:9 页 报告大小: 报告字数:8327 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:北京对外开放发展报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:加快北京国际航空枢纽建设、优化国际航空通达性,可以充分发挥民航的效率优势,压缩北京与国际重要城市的时空距离,构建良好的外界联通条件,促进贸易便利与要素流动,吸引更多的国际优质资源聚集,继而为北京建设国际交往中心夯实基础。报告首先分析了北京国际航空通达性的现状,明确了目前存在的瓶颈性问题,具体发现北京在“航空资源”“中转衔接能力”“腹地吸收辐射能力”“签证通关便利政策”等方面还存在明显不足,限制了北京国际航空通达性的发展。通过对于国外城... 展开



Abstract:Accelerating the construction of Beijing’s international aviation hub and optimizing international aviation accessibility can give full play to the efficiency advantages of civil aviation,reduce the time and space distance between Beijing and major international cities,build good external connectivity conditions,promote trade facilitation and factor flow,and help the agglomeration of the high-quality international resources. This... 展开

Abstract:Accelerating the construction of Beijing’s international aviation hub and optimizing international aviation accessibility can give full play to the efficiency advantages of civil aviation,reduce the time and space distance between Beijing and major international cities,build good external connectivity conditions,promote trade facilitation and factor flow,and help the agglomeration of the high-quality international resources. This would lay a solid foundation for Beijing to develop into an international exchange center. This chapter firstly analyzes the status quo of Beijing’s international aviation accessibility,clarifies the current bottleneck problems,and specifically finds that Beijing has “aviation resources”,“transit connection ability”,“hinterland radiation absorption ability”,“visa customs clearance facilitation policy”,etc. There are still obvious deficiencies,which limit the development of Beijing’s international aviation accessibility. Through the introduction and analysis of the advanced experience of foreign cities and regions,combined with the specific situation of Beijing,this paper puts forward specific policy suggestions for improving Beijing’s international aviation accessibility. It is recommended to focus on “opening the fifth freedom rights”,“dual-hub function positioning”,“international flight slot allocation”,“visa facilitation”,“attracting international airlines to enter”,“strengthening the construction of multimodal transport in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region”,Active measures have been taken in various aspects such as “improving the transfer capacity of dual hubs” and “improving the non-aviation business capacity”.





