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作者:周念利 于美月 孟克 出版日期:2023年01月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12169 字 所属丛书:对外开放蓝皮书 所属图书:北京对外开放发展报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:为更好地落实北京市“两区”工作方案,应进一步提升数字贸易统计研究的深度和广度。报告讨论了数字贸易的定义及国内外代表性机构对数字贸易统计所做的尝试,并基于此开展北京市数字贸易测度工作。具体而言,一是以“中央产品分类体系”(CPCVer2。1)对数字贸易外延所做界定作为基准,与“扩展的国际收支服务分类法”(EBOPS2010)进行对照制作接口,通过接口计算出北京市服务贸易中“可数字化”服务贸易规模。二是创新性地提出“已数字化率”这一概念,并依据联合国贸易... 展开



Abstract:In order to better implement the “Two Districts Construction” work plan in Beijing,the depth and breadth of digital trade statistics research should be further improved. This report discusses the definition of digital trade and the attempts made by representative institutions at home and abroad for digital trade statistics,and based on this,the Beijing digital trade measurement work is carried out. Specifically,the first is to u... 展开

Abstract:In order to better implement the “Two Districts Construction” work plan in Beijing,the depth and breadth of digital trade statistics research should be further improved. This report discusses the definition of digital trade and the attempts made by representative institutions at home and abroad for digital trade statistics,and based on this,the Beijing digital trade measurement work is carried out. Specifically,the first is to use the definition of the extension of digital trade in the “Central Product Classification System”(CPCVer 2.1)as a benchmark,and compare it with the “Extended Classification of Balance of Payments Services(EBOPS 2010)” to make an interface,and calculate the scale of “digital” service trade in Beijing’s through the interface. Second,the concept of “digitized rate” was innovatively proposed. According to the matching results of EBOPS 2010 between 9 digitalized service industries defined by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD),the “digitized rate” of each industry was calculated through the investigation of typical enterprises. Based on the “digitalized rate” of each industry and the corresponding “digitable” service trade scale,the “digitalized” service trade scale of Beijing is calculated. On the one hand,this report combines the measurement results to analyze the development of Beijing’s digital trade. On the other hand,it summarizes the difficulties encountered in the survey and measurement,and tries to put forward countermeasures and suggestions from the aspects of promoting the improvement of the digital trade statistics system and improving the level of digital trade statistics.





