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作者:刘斌 刘玥君 出版日期:2023年01月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11238 字 所属丛书:对外开放蓝皮书 所属图书:北京对外开放发展报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)是目前涉及人口最多、经贸规模最大的自由贸易协定,协定的达成为北京市“两区”建设发展提供了新的契机。RCEP规则文本具有包容性、全面性与可执行性等特征,其关税降低、原产地累积规则、负面清单制度、电子商务和知识产权条款等为北京市推动自由贸易与服务贸易开放创造了机遇条件。北京市应主动对接RCEP高标准制度规则,率先落实服务贸易负面清单管理制度,加快“两区”内跨境电商试点工作。主动履行RCEP投资与贸易便利化要求,进一... 展开



Abstract:RCEP is a free trade agreement with the largest population and the largest economic and trade scale. The conclusion of the agreement provides a new opportunity for the construction and development of the “Two Zones” in Beijing. The text of RCEP rules is inclusive,comprehensive and enforceable. Its tariff reduction,origin accumulation rule,negative list system,e-commerce and intellectual property rights provisions have created op... 展开

Abstract:RCEP is a free trade agreement with the largest population and the largest economic and trade scale. The conclusion of the agreement provides a new opportunity for the construction and development of the “Two Zones” in Beijing. The text of RCEP rules is inclusive,comprehensive and enforceable. Its tariff reduction,origin accumulation rule,negative list system,e-commerce and intellectual property rights provisions have created opportunities for Beijing to promote free trade and open trade in services. Beijing should take the initiative to align with the RCEP’s high-standard system and rules,take the lead in implementing the negative list management system for trade in services,and speed up the pilot work of cross-border e-commerce in the “Two Zones”. We will actively fulfill the requirements of the RCEP on investment and trade facilitation,further improve the business environment,and attract more high-quality foreign investment and professionals. Continue to give full play to the leading role of the “Two Zones” platform,accelerate the construction of the digital trade demonstration zone,the national service trade innovation development demonstration zone and the international high standard economic and trade rules pioneering cooperation demonstration zone,and improve the development level of the “Two Zones” in Beijing in an all-round way.



