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作者:郭凌威 出版日期:2022年11月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12320 字 所属丛书:拉美黄皮书 所属图书:拉丁美洲和加勒比发展报告(2021~2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2021年,加勒比地区国家政治环境稳定。圣卢西亚和巴哈马两国举行大选,反对党获胜并未造成政治动荡。此外,巴巴多斯成立共和国,进一步推高民众对本届政府的支持。但地区经济复苏乏力,成为拉美和加勒比地区增长最慢的区域,面临通胀和双账户赤字的多重压力,且多国贸易条件恶化。不利的经济形势助长了社会紧张局势,犯罪率高企,但政府短期内无法有效改善这一局面。新冠疫苗接种率严重不足进一步拖累经济发展和社会稳定。外交方面,地区国家强调区域一体化,优先开展双边... 展开



Abstract:The political environment in the Caribbean countries is stable in 2021. General elections were held in both St. Lucia and the Bahamas,with the opposition parties winning without causing political volatility. In addition,Barbados became a republic,further boosting popularity of current government. However,the regional economic recovery is sluggish,becoming the slowest growing region in Latin America and the Caribbean,facing multi... 展开

Abstract:The political environment in the Caribbean countries is stable in 2021. General elections were held in both St. Lucia and the Bahamas,with the opposition parties winning without causing political volatility. In addition,Barbados became a republic,further boosting popularity of current government. However,the regional economic recovery is sluggish,becoming the slowest growing region in Latin America and the Caribbean,facing multiple pressures of inflation and double account deficits,and deteriorating terms of trade in many countries as well. The unfavorable economic situation has contributed to social tensions and high crime rates,but the government is unable to make effective improvements in the short term. And the severe under-vaccination rate of the COVID-19 vaccine is a further drag on economic development and social stability. On the diplomatic front,the Caribbean countries emphasize regional integration and prioritize bilateral cooperation,but territorial disputes between some countries and their neighbors remain unresolved.


