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作者:郑磊 出版日期:2022年11月 报告页数:7 页 报告大小: 报告字数:5921 字 所属丛书:工业和信息化蓝皮书 所属图书:数字经济发展报告(2021~2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:In recent years,Japanese government has continued to strengthen its digital economy development. But from the results,the development of Japan’s digital economy is slower than that of the United States,China and other countries,and international rankings also show a gradual downward trend. The new COVID-19 epidemic has temporarily promoted the development of Japan’s digital economy. But from the perspective of relevant questionn... 展开

Abstract:In recent years,Japanese government has continued to strengthen its digital economy development. But from the results,the development of Japan’s digital economy is slower than that of the United States,China and other countries,and international rankings also show a gradual downward trend. The new COVID-19 epidemic has temporarily promoted the development of Japan’s digital economy. But from the perspective of relevant questionnaires,although the epidemic has increased the utilization rate of digital services by Japanese people,there are still some people who have strong resistance to digital services. The development of Japan’s digital economy is also accompanied by many problems,such as platform monopoly,personal information leakage,etc. The Japanese government is also adopting relevant measures to promote the healthy development of the digital economy in constant regulation.


