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作者:李福泉 王昕祎 出版日期:2022年10月 报告页数:23 页 报告大小: 报告字数:30652 字 所属图书:中东研究 2022年第1期(总第84期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:伊朗伊斯兰革命时期的阿舒拉节仪式作为反对派的重要政治工具,在推翻巴列维王朝的过程中发挥了重要作用。其思想源泉为卡尔巴拉范式,它被以什叶派为国教的萨法维王朝用来获取合法性。在巴列维王朝时期,由于统治者的世俗民族主义政策,卡尔巴拉范式被宗教人士用于反对国王。在1978年的伊朗伊斯兰革命中,阿舒拉节被反对派从宗教仪式转换成政治抗议仪式,并在革命过程中爆发出了巨大的能量。在阿舒拉节游行过程中,反对派充分利用了其中的象征符号,模糊了历史与当下,使得... 展开



Abstract:As an important political tool of the opposition,the Ashura Festival ceremony played an important role in the process of overthrowing the Pahlavi Dynasty. The Karbala paradigm was used by the Safavid Dynasty,which had Shiism as its state religion,to gain legitimacy,and was modified by religious people to oppose the king,due to the ruler’s secular nationalist policies in the period of Pahlavi Dynasty. During the 1978 Islamic Revo... 展开

Abstract:As an important political tool of the opposition,the Ashura Festival ceremony played an important role in the process of overthrowing the Pahlavi Dynasty. The Karbala paradigm was used by the Safavid Dynasty,which had Shiism as its state religion,to gain legitimacy,and was modified by religious people to oppose the king,due to the ruler’s secular nationalist policies in the period of Pahlavi Dynasty. During the 1978 Islamic Revolution in Iran,the Ashura festival was transformed from a religious ritual into a political protest ceremony by the opposition,and great energy broke out in the process of the revolution. In the process of the Ashura festival parade,the opposition made full use of the symbols,blurred the history and the present,making the revolutionary scene a metaphor for the reality of the Battle of Karbala. Through the political ritual of Ashura,the opposition mobilized and united the forces of various factions,promoted the development of the revolution,and provided religious legitimacy for the establishment of the Islamic regime after the revolution. The political application of Ashura Festival not only made the revolution have a strong religious color,but also determined the development logic of Islamic internal and foreign affairs in Iran after the victory of the revolution.



