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作者:〔日〕南裕子 南裕子 张季风 出版日期:2022年10月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16834 字 所属丛书:日本经济蓝皮书 所属图书:日本经济与中日经贸关系研究报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本报告介绍了日本“田园回归”现象的基本概念、田园回归论与政策研究界的争论情况,论述了日本人口从城市向农村迁居的历程和“U-turn”“J-turn”“I-turn”的实际状况,利用个案调查方法深入分析日本“田园回归”的认知变化以及与乡村振兴的关系。事实证明,田园回归人口在一定程度上阻止了当地农村人口减少的势头,并为维持当地社区的功能、摸索当地新的发展模式做出了重要的贡献。本报告认为,田园回归人口中“关系人口”所占比重及其发挥的作用可能尤为重要。中国的情... 展开



Abstract:This report introduces the basic concept of “return to rural living”(or “den’en kaiki” in the original Japanese)phenomenon in Japan and the underlying discussions in policy studies,and summarizes the history of population movement from cities to rural areas in Japan and the realities behind so-called “UIJ turns” which collectively mean U-turn,I-turn and J-turn. In addition,the report utilizes various surveys to analyze cha... 展开

Abstract:This report introduces the basic concept of “return to rural living”(or “den’en kaiki” in the original Japanese)phenomenon in Japan and the underlying discussions in policy studies,and summarizes the history of population movement from cities to rural areas in Japan and the realities behind so-called “UIJ turns” which collectively mean U-turn,I-turn and J-turn. In addition,the report utilizes various surveys to analyze changes in awareness over “return to rural living” and the relationship between “return to rural living” and rural development. It is true that some underpopulated areas have succeeded in stopping the depopulation trend thanks to the migrators,who also contribute to maintaining the local social functions and promoting the local community. In the future,it is expected,among the people who “return to rural living”,the percentage of “related population” who is defined as people linking to local areas and their concerns while exchanging with local people will increase and the role of such people will be more important. In China,the similar conditions as in Japan are expected,so the population mobility from cities to rural areas will increase. How to utilize such a trend for rural development will be a focal point to both Japan and China.




