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作者:杨威 闫蕾 出版日期:2020年11月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13407 字 所属图书:马克思主义文化研究 2020年第2期 总第6期 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:马克思恩格斯文化思想作为马克思主义理论体系的重要组成部分,对新时代中国文化建设具有重大指导意义。关于马克思恩格斯怎样理解文化的内涵,为什么要重视马克思恩格斯文化思想的研究,以及怎样从中汲取思想滋养以推动新时代中国农村文化建设这些重大的理论和实践问题,可以从理论、价值、实践三个层面来展开分析。从理论维度把握马克思恩格斯文化思想的内涵呈现,有助于深刻认识文化建设的理论基础;从价值维度把握马克思恩格斯文化思想的实践进路,有利于深入理解其辩证... 展开



Abstract:As an important part of Marxist theoretical system,Marx and Engels'cultural thoughts have great guiding significance for the construction of Chinese culture in the new era.How Marx and Engels understand the connotation of culture,why we should attach importance to the study of Marx and Engels'cultural thought,and how to draw ideological nourishment from it to promote the construction of rural culture in China in the new era can be ... 展开

Abstract:As an important part of Marxist theoretical system,Marx and Engels'cultural thoughts have great guiding significance for the construction of Chinese culture in the new era.How Marx and Engels understand the connotation of culture,why we should attach importance to the study of Marx and Engels'cultural thought,and how to draw ideological nourishment from it to promote the construction of rural culture in China in the new era can be analyzed from three levels:theory,value and practice.Grasping the connotation of Marx and Engels' cultural thoughts from the theory dimension helps to understand the theoretical basis of cultural construction;grasping the practical approach of Marx and Engels' cultural thoughts from the value dimension is conducive to a deep understanding of its dialectics,people nature and practicality,and these spiritual traits’world significance and Chinese values;grasping the realistic inspirations of Marx and Engels' cultural thoughts from the practical dimension is beneficial to the prosperity and development of Chinese rural culture in the new era through the three major measures:maintaining advanced nature,grasping people nature,and improving openness.



