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作者:阳阳 庄国土 出版日期:2022年02月 报告页数:19 页 报告大小: 报告字数:21628 字 所属丛书:东盟黄皮书 所属图书:东盟发展报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2020年,越南作为东盟轮值主席国提出“齐心协力与主动应对”的东盟年度主题,在突发新冠肺炎疫情,世界经济遭受重创的背景下,东盟加强内外合作,合力抗击疫情,积极推动共同体全面建设,取得了良好成效。一是疫情得到良好控制,经济增长触底反弹,恢复势头明显;二是三大共同体建设迎来中期检查,建设工作推进迅速,建设效果高于预期,特别是《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)的顺利签署进一步巩固了东盟在地区事务中的中心地位,其将成为推动东盟经济增长的新动力。... 展开



Abstract:In 2020,as Vietnam held the chair of ASEAN with the theme “Cohesive and Responsive ASEAN”,ASEAN had been strenthening internal and external cooperation,especially on fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic,and made achievements on the construction of the whole community even in the context of the outbreak and spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result,the pandemic has been controlled,while economic growth has bottomed out and... 展开

Abstract:In 2020,as Vietnam held the chair of ASEAN with the theme “Cohesive and Responsive ASEAN”,ASEAN had been strenthening internal and external cooperation,especially on fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic,and made achievements on the construction of the whole community even in the context of the outbreak and spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result,the pandemic has been controlled,while economic growth has bottomed out and been showing a recovery momentum;the construction of the three major communities has ushered in mid-term inspections,and the construction is progressing rapidly with an effect higher than expectedas the smooth signing of RCEP,which has further consolidated ASEAN’s central position and will became a new driving force for regional economic growth. In 2021,with Brunei Darussalam’s chairmanship and the theme “We Care,We Prepare,We Prosper”,ASEAN will keep on the way of development and fact to a series of challenge such as the the recurrence of the pandemic,the political turmoil in Myanmar….



