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作者:乐菡 出版时间:2021年12月 报告页数:22 页 报告大小: 报告字数:24434 字 所属丛书:长江经济带蓝皮书 所属图书:长江经济带发展报告(2020~2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2021年8月17日中央财经工作会议就共同富裕问题做出部署,提出构建初次分配、再分配、三次分配协调配套的基础性制度,因此,本报告对2019年的收入分配指标体系做了进一步完善,在指标体系中选取了初次分配效率、再分配效率、初次分配公平、再分配公平以及其他分配公平五大指标,共筛选了16个测度指标,对长江经济带110个城市的收入分配指数进行分析评价。从2019年长江经济带110个城市的初次分配结果可以看出,长江经济带在健全收入分配制度方面仍有不少需要改善的地方,未... 展开



Abstract:On August 17,2021,the Central Finance and Economics Work Conference made arrangements on the issue of common prosperity,and proposed the establishment of basic institutional arrangements for the coordination of primary distribution,redistribution,and three-time distribution. Therefore,this article has made further progress on the income distribution indicator system for 2019. Perfect. The five indicators of primary distribution ... 展开

Abstract:On August 17,2021,the Central Finance and Economics Work Conference made arrangements on the issue of common prosperity,and proposed the establishment of basic institutional arrangements for the coordination of primary distribution,redistribution,and three-time distribution. Therefore,this article has made further progress on the income distribution indicator system for 2019. Perfect. The five indicators of primary distribution efficiency,redistribution efficiency,primary distribution fairness,redistribution fairness,and other distribution fairness are selected in the indicator system. A total of 16 measurement indicators have been screened,and the income distribution index of 110 cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt has been selected. Analysis and evaluation. From 2018 to 2019,the results of the initial distribution of income for 110 cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt show that there are still many areas that need improvement in the Yangtze River Economic Belt to improve the income distribution system. In the future,the coordinated development mechanism of the Yangtze River Economic Belt will be further deepened. Broaden the source of property income of rural households,promote the fairness of income distribution in the eastern region,and give full play to the regulating role of the three-time distribution.



