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作者:孟瑾 出版日期:2021年11月 报告页数:22 页 报告大小: 报告字数:24763 字 所属图书:中东研究 2021年第2期(总第83期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:“2·20”运动的爆发将摩洛哥卷入“阿拉伯之春”的旋涡。摩洛哥通过宪政改革及时回应了民众政治改革诉求,调整了摩洛哥政治权力关系和政党力量对比,重新定义了摩洛哥身份认同的构成要素,使摩洛哥走上政治体制改革的快车道。但是,摩洛哥政治权力中心依旧由摩洛哥王室占据,政党的边缘化地位没有改变,摩洛哥经济社会的结构性问题仍将长期存在。“2·20”运动拓展了摩洛哥传统政治空间和政治参与模式,摩洛哥民众日益注重通过社会运动和网络空间实现与国家权力的互动,这是... 展开



Abstract:The outbreak of the “February 20” movement dragged Morocco into the whirlpool of the “Arab Spring”. Through constitutional reforms,Morocco responded to the demands of the people for political reform in a timely manner,adjusted the political power relations and the balance of power among political parties,redefined the constituent elements of Moroccan identity,and put Morocco on the fast track of political system reform. Howeve... 展开

Abstract:The outbreak of the “February 20” movement dragged Morocco into the whirlpool of the “Arab Spring”. Through constitutional reforms,Morocco responded to the demands of the people for political reform in a timely manner,adjusted the political power relations and the balance of power among political parties,redefined the constituent elements of Moroccan identity,and put Morocco on the fast track of political system reform. However,the Moroccan political power center is still occupied by the royal family,the marginalized status of political parties has not changed,and the structural problems of Moroccan economy and society will continue to exist for a long time. The “Februry 20” movement expanded Morocco’s traditional political space and changed its political participation mode. Moroccan people intensified the interactions with state power through social movements and cyberspace. This is a deeper change brought to Morocco by the upheaval in the Middle East. Currently,how to grasp the balance between traditional religion and modern democracy,strengthen the political functions of political parties,and handle the relationship between reform,development,and stability are still challenges presented to the Morocco’s democratization.


