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作者:〔新〕杨杰生 出版日期:2015年10月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17829 字 所属丛书:大洋洲蓝皮书 所属图书:大洋洲发展报告(2014~2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2014年11月,中国国家主席习近平在访问新西兰期间郑重邀请新西兰参与“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的开发建设。这为进一步增进中新两国关系提供了新的平台。作为亚太地区,特别是东南亚和太平洋地区发展和区域一体化的坚定支持者,新西兰对与中国和其他国家合作实现这个目标表现出强烈的兴趣。尽管目前判断新西兰能在“21世纪海上丝绸之路”建设中具体发挥什么作用为时尚早,但鉴于中新双边关系创造的多个“第一”以及新西兰积极参与亚洲基础设施投资银行的行动,新西兰政府、企... 展开



Abstract:President Xi Jinping’s invitation for New Zealand to participate in the development of the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road” during his November 2014 state visit presents a new platform for strengthening New Zealand-China relations. As a strong supporter of development projects and regional integration in the Asia Pacific region,particularly in Southeast Asia and the Pacific,New Zealand has signalled its interest in partnering wi... 展开

Abstract:President Xi Jinping’s invitation for New Zealand to participate in the development of the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road” during his November 2014 state visit presents a new platform for strengthening New Zealand-China relations. As a strong supporter of development projects and regional integration in the Asia Pacific region,particularly in Southeast Asia and the Pacific,New Zealand has signalled its interest in partnering with China and other countries to meet these goals. While it is still too early to tell which projects New Zealand could best contribute to,New Zealand’s history of “firsts” with China and its positive response to the formation of the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank suggest a proactive role for the New Zealand government,businesses and people. This article outlines the potential value to New Zealand of the “One Belt One Road” initiative and the areas of potential participation that could add real value. It identifies areas of potential cooperation based on analysis of past and current achievements,including an overview of the recent upgrading of relations to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. It argues New Zealand could play a key role supporting the development of regional governance,regional integration and in the provision of niche services and goods trade in regional value chains,as well as by supporting the development of safe and secure agricultural practices,trade and governance in the region. The article concludes the “One Belt One Road” initiative will likely be an important platform for further developing New Zealand-China relations in the coming years.



〔新〕杨杰生:杨杰生(Jason Young),博士,新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学政治与国际关系系讲师,新西兰当代中国研究中心研究员、项目经理,中山大学大洋洲研究中心兼职研究员,主要研究领域:当代中国的政治经济改革、农业发展、社会经济与制度变革、中新贸易和投资往来。