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作者:祁怀高 出版日期:2015年12月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:18301 字 所属图书:中国周边外交学刊2015年第二辑(总第二辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:从中国领导人提出“一带一路”倡议以来,“一带一路”已经对中国的周边外交和亚洲发展产生了重大影响。在周边外交领域,“一带一路”在理念和实践上为周边外交注入了新的生命力,有效整合了中国的“积极西进”与“海上突破”两种周边外交思路,有助于统筹中国边疆发展与周边外交。在亚洲发展领域,“一带一路”促进了沿线亚洲国家基础设施的互联互通和贸易投资便利化,推动了阿富汗、斯里兰卡等亚洲欠发达国家的战后重建与经济发展,为沿线亚洲国家发挥比较优势创造了平台... 展开



Abstract:“The Belt and Road” initiative has already created significant influences towards China’s neighboring diplomacy and Asia’s development since Chinese leaders first came up with this initiative in 2013. In the field of China’s neighboring diplomacy,the conception of “the Belt and Road” has instilled new vitality and vigor into the theories and practices of China’s diplomatic activities towards its neighboring countries,and is ... 展开

Abstract:“The Belt and Road” initiative has already created significant influences towards China’s neighboring diplomacy and Asia’s development since Chinese leaders first came up with this initiative in 2013. In the field of China’s neighboring diplomacy,the conception of “the Belt and Road” has instilled new vitality and vigor into the theories and practices of China’s diplomatic activities towards its neighboring countries,and is effectively integrating the two major ideas for China’s neighboring diplomacy:“active westward pioneering” and “breakthrough on the seas”. In this way,it contributes to China’s current effort to coordinate its neighboring diplomacy and China’s frontiers. In the field of Asian development,“the Belt and Road” can promote the interconnectivity between the different systems of infrastructures of Asian countries,facilitate the trade and investment between these countries,and particularly,propel the post-war reconstruction and economic development of underdeveloped Asian countries such as Afghanistan and Sri Lanka. Finally,it can create a platform for Asian countries along “the Belt and Road” to bring their comparative advantages into full play. In the meantime,“the Belt and Road” is also faced with five potential risks,so China should fully anticipate the future uncertainties and make good preparations to tackle them.


