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作者:白玫 出版日期:2015年12月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14761 字 所属丛书:产业蓝皮书 所属图书:中国产业竞争力报告(2015)No.5 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本文通过国际市场占有率、贸易竞争力指数及显示比较优势指数等指标分析哈萨克斯坦2000年以来优势产业的国际竞争变化态势,研究表明:第一,哈萨克斯坦是中高等收入国家,具有比较竞争优势的产业主要是油气开采、矿产资源开采及初加工、小麦和棉花生产等,哈萨克斯坦产业的竞争劣势是交通基础设施和电力基础设施较为薄弱,制造业,特别是轻工业发展较为滞后。第二,尽管中哈双边贸易和直接投资近年来大幅增长,但总体规模较小。中哈两国双边贸易规模在250亿美元的水平,中... 展开



Abstract:This paper assesses the variation of competitiveness of industries in Kazakhstan since 2000 through using the international market share,trade competitiveness index and revealed comparative advantage index. Studies have shown as that:first,Kazakhstan is in high-income countries,and has comparative advantagous industries such as oil and gas,mineral resources exploitation and primary processing,wheat and cotton production,etc. Ka... 展开

Abstract:This paper assesses the variation of competitiveness of industries in Kazakhstan since 2000 through using the international market share,trade competitiveness index and revealed comparative advantage index. Studies have shown as that:first,Kazakhstan is in high-income countries,and has comparative advantagous industries such as oil and gas,mineral resources exploitation and primary processing,wheat and cotton production,etc. Kazakhstan’s competitive disadvantagous industries are transportation infrastructure and power infrastructure,manufacturing,particularly in light industry development lagging behind. Second,the bilateral trade and direct investment in Sino-Kazakhstan has increased considerably in recent years,but the overall size is still relatively small. The scale of Sino-Kazakhstan bilateral trade is about $ 25 billion,and China is the deficit. The scale of Chinese investment in Kazakhstan is about $ 2 billion. Third,industries between China and Kazakhstan are highly complementary,so the two countries have foundation and conditions for industrial cooperation. During industrial cooperation in the future,both should analyze trade and investment activities overall,enhance communication,maximized avoiding investment risks.


