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作者:陈伟雄 郑蔚 易小丽 出版日期:2016年02月 报告页数:19 页 报告大小: 报告字数:23058 字 所属丛书:中国省域竞争力蓝皮书 所属图书:中国省域经济综合竞争力发展报告(2014~2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本文首先对“十二五”时期中国区域发展的总体情况进行了回顾,指出“十二五”时期中国区域发展取得了积极成效,但仍存在绝对差距扩大,发展不平衡、生产要素自由流动受阻,区域协同发展动力不足、发展政策普惠化趋同化影响区域协同治理、区域内部一体化程度不高,共赢互利尚未充分实现等问题;其次分析了“十三五”时期中国区域竞争与合作的新棋局,指出“四大板块+三个支撑带”的区域发展新组合为“十三五” 时期推动形成全面开放、区域协同、产业联动、陆海统筹的新格... 展开

文章摘要:本文首先对“十二五”时期中国区域发展的总体情况进行了回顾,指出“十二五”时期中国区域发展取得了积极成效,但仍存在绝对差距扩大,发展不平衡、生产要素自由流动受阻,区域协同发展动力不足、发展政策普惠化趋同化影响区域协同治理、区域内部一体化程度不高,共赢互利尚未充分实现等问题;其次分析了“十三五”时期中国区域竞争与合作的新棋局,指出“四大板块+三个支撑带”的区域发展新组合为“十三五” 时期推动形成全面开放、区域协同、产业联动、陆海统筹的新格局奠定了空间基础;接着分析了“十三五”时期中国区域竞争与合作的新特点,指出我国将继续在经济新常态背景下实现区域发展格局的新均衡;最后提出了“十三五”时期优化中国区域竞争及合作新格局的战略思路,即深入实施区域发展总体战略和主体功能区战略,加快促进区域协调发展、以“一带一路”和自贸区战略引领国内全方位开放,全面提升改革开放水平、以京津冀协同发展战略为示范加快推进城市群建设,增强区域协同发展能力、大力实施创新驱动区域协调发展战略,积极培育区域竞争新优势以及扎实推进精准扶贫战略,加快缩小区域发展差距。


Abstract:Firstly, the overall situation of the development of regional Chinese 12th Five-Year period were reviewed, pointed out that "the development of regional China 12th Five-Year period achieved positive results, but there are still the absolute gap, unbalanced development and the free flow of factors of production is blocked, lack of power, the development of regional collaborative development policy inclusive of assimilation effect of re... 展开

Abstract:Firstly, the overall situation of the development of regional Chinese 12th Five-Year period were reviewed, pointed out that "the development of regional China 12th Five-Year period achieved positive results, but there are still the absolute gap, unbalanced development and the free flow of factors of production is blocked, lack of power, the development of regional collaborative development policy inclusive of assimilation effect of regional cooperative governance and the degree of regional internal integration is not high, mutual benefit and win-win and other issues have not been fully achieved; followed by analysis of the" new game of competition and cooperation in regional Chinese 13th Five-Year "period," pointed out that the regional development of new combination of four plate + three support belt "as the" 13th Five-Year "period to promote the formation of a new pattern of all-round opening, regional cooperation, industry linkage, co-ordination of space basis; then analyzes the competition and cooperation of regional Chinese 13th Five-Year" period New features, pointed out that China will continue to implement the new balanced regional development pattern in normal economic background; finally put forward the strategic concept of "13th Five-Year" period Chinese regional competition and optimization of new cooperation pattern, thoroughly implement the overall regional development strategy and main function region strategy, accelerate the promotion of regional coordinated development, in order to "area the way and the FTA strategy to lead the domestic all-round opening up, enhance the strategic level, the reform and opening up to promote the coordinated development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei city construction demonstration accelerated, enhance regional coordinated development, vigorously implement the innovation driven regional coordinated development strategy, actively cultivate new regional competitive advantage and promote accurate poverty alleviation strategy, accelerate regional development the gap.




