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作者:杨劲松 蒋依依 出版日期:2016年04月 报告页数:7 页 报告大小: 报告字数:6092 字 所属丛书:旅游绿皮书 所属图书:2015~2016年中国旅游发展分析与预测 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2014年中国出境旅游的内生动力依然强劲,同时签证等限制因素加快消解,预计2015年的增长速度依然在两位数,二三线城市的战略争夺趋于激化,香港吸引内地游客面临现实困难,全民出境的常态化正在重组国民旅游版图。在新常态下,需要再定位出境旅游,适度激发出境旅游中蕴含的外交力量,关注中产阶层的出境旅游需求。预计未来将大规模启动“破亿”的结构调整,出境旅游的谱系将会更加完善,出境购物的格局有望发生变化,B2B将提速出境旅游专业化,与出境旅游密切相关的海外... 展开



Abstract:In 2014,the internal impetus of China’s outbound tourism remains strong. With the resolution of restrictions in visa and other areas,the growth rate in 2015 is expected to keep double-digit. Strategic competition in the second and third tier cities will be intensified. Hong Kong is facing practical difficulties in attracting mainland tourists. The normalization of outbound tourism is restructuring the national tourism map. In the c... 展开

Abstract:In 2014,the internal impetus of China’s outbound tourism remains strong. With the resolution of restrictions in visa and other areas,the growth rate in 2015 is expected to keep double-digit. Strategic competition in the second and third tier cities will be intensified. Hong Kong is facing practical difficulties in attracting mainland tourists. The normalization of outbound tourism is restructuring the national tourism map. In the context of New Normal,outbound tourism is to be relocated,the diplomatic power contained in outbound tourism is to be inspired appropriately,and the tourism demand of the middle class should be noted. It can be expected that large-scale structural adjustment will be lunched during “breaking one hundred million” period,the pedigree of outbound tourism will be more perfect,the previous outbound shopping pattern is likely to change,B2B will speed up the specialization level of outbound tourism,and overseas investment related to outbound tourism will accelerate.



