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作者:李文 出版日期:2015年06月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10809 字 所属图书:中国周边外交学刊2015年第一辑(总第一辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:为有效化解来自美国、日本和世界资本主义阵营的挑战,在外交理念层面,习近平主席提出以“和谐、和睦、和平”为核心内容的亚洲新安全观;在战略层面,提出了实现“亚太梦”与推进亚太自贸区建设的长远目标;在政策举措层面,提出“一带一路”的宏伟构想。“一带一路”构想的提出充分展示了中国走和平崛起道路的决心。这一构想的实施可以使多元化、多样化的各个国家和地区相互交织在一起,相互依存,促进共同利益,扩大共同安全,推进合作安全,促进发展安全,增进可持续安... 展开



Abstract:To address the challenges rising from the United States,Japan and the World capitalist camp effectively,President Xi Jinping proposed his points from the following perspectives:on the diplomatic level,he proposed the New Security Concept for Asia,which focuses on harmony,amity and peace;on the strategic level,he proposed a long-term goal which includes the realization of “Asia-Pacific dream” and the advancement of the Free T... 展开

Abstract:To address the challenges rising from the United States,Japan and the World capitalist camp effectively,President Xi Jinping proposed his points from the following perspectives:on the diplomatic level,he proposed the New Security Concept for Asia,which focuses on harmony,amity and peace;on the strategic level,he proposed a long-term goal which includes the realization of “Asia-Pacific dream” and the advancement of the Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific (FTAPP);on the policy level,he proposed the grand blueprint of “One Belt and One Road”,which demonstrated that China is firmly committed to the path of peaceful development. The implementation of this blueprint will make sure that diverse and pluralized regions and countries of the world can become intertwined and interdependent. In this way,various regions and countries may be able to promote mutual benefits,expand mutual security,facilitate cooperative security,and strengthen the security for development.


