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作者:周章贵 出版日期:2021年08月 报告页数:11 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10216 字 所属丛书:海外公共安全与合作蓝皮书 所属图书:海外公共安全与合作评估报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:With the outbreak and global spread of COVID-19 Pandemic,the demand for international private security services has increased sharply and faced with new challenges. For private security service operation,regulation and standards are easily not abided by accordingly due to emergency situation;security staff and operators face with practical challenges such as high risk,low wages and poor health status in the implementation of field... 展开

Abstract:With the outbreak and global spread of COVID-19 Pandemic,the demand for international private security services has increased sharply and faced with new challenges. For private security service operation,regulation and standards are easily not abided by accordingly due to emergency situation;security staff and operators face with practical challenges such as high risk,low wages and poor health status in the implementation of field operations;the current international security regulatory framework are lack of norms and contents designed for new characteristics of the pandemic;With the accelerating development of digital technologies,such as UAVs,surveillance equipment and cyber attacks cause new challenges. It is necessary to clarify the main factors,and find out the solutions to the new challenges from the perspectives of legislation,operation practice,supervision and technology.


