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作者:高智君 出版日期:2021年09月 报告页数:27 页 报告大小: 报告字数:27441 字 所属丛书:美国蓝皮书 所属图书:美国研究报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:随着中美关系进入战略竞争阶段,美国已经着手调整其对外经济战略,以维护其世界霸权。特朗普执政期间推出的“印太战略”,旨在通过构建“自由和开放的印太地区”,加强与盟友和伙伴在政治、经济和安全等多个领域的联系,应对中国快速发展对其利益带来的挑战。美国的“印太战略”对《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)的推进产生了影响。在贸易方面,定量模型的结果显示,美国与RCEP国家贸易额的增加不会导致中国同这些国家贸易的减少,美国技术密集型产品的出口会增大对... 展开



Abstract:With Sino-U.S. relations entering the phase of strategic competition,the U.S government has begun to adjust its foreign economic strategy in order to maintain its world hegemony. The Indo-Pacific Strategy,launched during the Trump administration,aims to strengthen ties with Allies and partners across a range of political,economic and security fronts and address the challenge to its interests posed by the rise of China by building ... 展开

Abstract:With Sino-U.S. relations entering the phase of strategic competition,the U.S government has begun to adjust its foreign economic strategy in order to maintain its world hegemony. The Indo-Pacific Strategy,launched during the Trump administration,aims to strengthen ties with Allies and partners across a range of political,economic and security fronts and address the challenge to its interests posed by the rise of China by building a “free and open Indo-Pacific region”. The Indo-Pacific strategy has had an impact on the progress of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) n the area of trade and investment. On the trade dimension,the regression model demonstrates that the increase of U.S. trade with RCEP countries will not lead to a reduction of Chinese trade with those countries. U.S. exports of technology-intensive goods will elevate the competition with China in the same industries,but China is able to maintain trade stability through exporting labor-intensive goods,thus alleviate the “zero-sum competition”. Regarding investment,since U.S. foreign direct investment are concentrated in service industries,it contributes to the growth of domestic industries in the host country;meanwhile,Chinese investment in the fields of manufacturing lead to a “crowding-out effect” on local industries in the short term,which will have a negative impact on the further development of investment relations between Chinese enterprises and RCEP member states. Encountering U.S. economic competition,China should continue to enhance scientific and technological innovation,so as to upgrade the quality of products and diversify trade composition. It is also critical for Chinese companies to integrate their investment projects with the interests of local industries and communities. This will lay a solid foundation for the development of investment relationships between China and RCEP countries.


