文章摘要:新时期长春建设东北亚区域性中心城市是贯彻落实国家及吉林省国土空间规划战略、推动“一主六双”产业空间布局的重中之重。它既关系到长春建设现代化都市圈带动全省经济社会的发展,又直接影响长春市和吉林省对外开放的形象、能力及水平。在国家主推现代化都市圈建设和东北亚区域国际合作形势向好的背景下,探究长春市建设东北亚区域性中心城市的有关问题具有现实意义,本文阐述了长春在东北亚城市体系中的地位,分析了长春建设东北亚区域性中心城市的条件,并提出了长春建... 展开
Abstract:The construction of Changchun as a regional center city in Northeast Asia in the new era is the most important task for implementing the national and Jilin Province territorial and spatial planning strategies and promoting the “one main six double” industrial spatial layout. It is not only related to the construction of a modern metropolitan area in Changchun to drive the economic and social development of the province,but also dir... 展开