文章摘要:2012年,德国政局基本稳定,主要执政党基民盟在联邦州层面的影响力下降,但总理默克尔的支持率遥遥领先。各政党积极备战2013年大选,大选形势仍不明朗。2012年德国总体经济形势向好,但增长速度呈下滑趋势,劳动力市场繁荣,公共债务和财政赤字有所增加,“能源转向”问题成为德国经济发展的重要话题。2012年,德国社会保障制度进行了一些调整和改革。随着南欧国家的移民增多,德国启动了技术移民政策。在对外关系上,解决欧元区的危机仍是德国政策的重中之重。 展开
Abstract:In the year 2012, Germany kept a stable political situation. The influences of CDU, one of the ruling parties, have declined at the federal level. However, Chancellor Merkel has won much higher support than the other candidates. All the parties have been actively preparing for the campaign for the 2013 general election, but the prospect is not yet clear. The economic situation in 2012 shows a generally upward tendency with a prosperou... 展开