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作者:张勇安 出版日期:2020年07月 报告页数:36 页 报告大小: 报告字数:40619 字 所属丛书:国际禁毒蓝皮书 所属图书:国际禁毒研究报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:新精神活性物质更新快、种类多、毒效强、扩散广、危害大,已经成为继传统毒品和合成毒品之后的“第三代毒品”,近年来更是呈现出非法市场持续扩张、兴奋剂类物质增长迅速、芬太尼类似物和曲马多问题突出等特性,逐步成为全球新威胁。新精神活性物质制贩、滥用正在对全球公共卫生、地区和国家安全稳定、公众健康构成越来越严峻的挑战。面对新威胁与新挑战,以联合国为平台的国际组织与国际社会通力合作,通过预警平台建设、专家委员审查、扩大列管范围等方式加强危机应对。... 展开



Abstract:New Psychoactive Substances,as a threat to human health and well-being,have become “drugs of the third generation” after the conventional drugs and synthetic drugs,with its unprecedented emergence,great variety,potential danger,widespread existence,public health risk and strong harmful effects. In recent years,NPS have continued to emerge at a fast pace and the black market has expanded;stimulants have increased rapidly;Fe... 展开

Abstract:New Psychoactive Substances,as a threat to human health and well-being,have become “drugs of the third generation” after the conventional drugs and synthetic drugs,with its unprecedented emergence,great variety,potential danger,widespread existence,public health risk and strong harmful effects. In recent years,NPS have continued to emerge at a fast pace and the black market has expanded;stimulants have increased rapidly;Fentanyl analogues and Tramadol have posed serious problems. Accordingly,NPS have gradually become a new global threat. The production and abuse of NPS have brought severe challenges to the global public health,regional and national safety and stability,and public well-being. Faced with new threats and challenges,with the United Nations as the platform,international organizations and the international community have enhanced cooperation in many ways to tackle the NPS problem,for instance,the establishment of early warning systems,the detection and identification of NPS by Expert Committee,and scientific control and management based on a more accurate and comprehensive list of NPS. These measures have made some progress in addressing the issue of NPS. However,the international community need to undertake efforts and respond to the NPS problem effectively through different ways,like raising people’s awareness of the potential risks of NPS,speeding up the process of identification of NPS and implementing the initiative to control the use of NPS,promoting regional informatization,taking a balanced and integrated approach,and adopting the new and creative governance model,thus focusing on the 2016 UNGASS 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals and aiming at solving the crisis of NPS.


